The older girls from Heritage House had a sleep over at our house a few weeks back. Kristen and Elizabeth LeMarr had them over to play games, eat popcorn and watch a movie. We like to do icebreakers with the kids from Heritage House just to see what they are thinking about things.
We usually do one serious one and one lighter one. On this night, Kristen asked the girls a light one to start off. The question was, “If a genie granted you one wish, what would you wish for?” The girls started around the room and the answers ranged from, “I would wish for a good job,” to “I would wish for a nice moto,” until finally it came to Churp. Chrup is a 14 years old and is a very serious young woman. When it was her turn to answer the question, she sat quietly for a few seconds and then said, “If I had one wish, it would be that my entire family really knew Jesus.”
Chrup’s older sister, Srey Neeung used to live at Heritage House. When she was sixteen years old, she decided that she wanted to move out and live her own life. Their mother had died in child birth with their younger sister, Srey Night. Their father had left them with their grandmother and remarried. Srey Neeung went back to live with their father and work in a sweat shop. Chrup prays daily for her older sister and father.
Srey Neeung gets married this week. When we asked Chrup if she wanted to go, she said, “No, I cannot go because Srey Neeung is going to marry a man who is not a Christian. She knows the truth but is choosing to disobey God. I cannot go and say this is alright.” In this culture, it is a huge step to not go to a family function. Chrup is really taking a stand for righteousness . She is putting the word of God and the truths found there ahead of her culture and ahead of her family (Luke 14:26). It would be easy for her to go and say, “I am going to be a witness.” However, she is letting her older sister know that she loves her, but will not sit by while her sister chooses to disobey God. For this, I applaud Chrup.
Churp has a burden for souls. However, it is not the burden that says there is an easy salvation out there; just say this prayer and then live however you want. Her burden is for a true, soul saving, life changing salvation that brings freedom in Christ. Chrup, as evidenced by the answer to the question that Kristen asked, is also not concerned for the things of this world. She has fixed her eyes on the eternal and cares for the things that really matter. She is burdened for her family, her friends at school, and her country.
I am convicted as I write this because I see in a 14 year old young woman what should be the burden of my heart. I pray that the Holy Spirit will be the “unction” in my life for what really matters. I pray for a fresh burden for souls.