Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wrestling with God

I am reading a book by my favorite worship leader, David Ruis.  The title of the book is The Justice God is Seeking.  David is one of those rare worship leaders who can worship, evangelize, preach, proclaim, and challenge all at the same time.  If you listen to any of his albums, which I highly recommend that you do, you will worshiping and right in the middle of it all, you might hear that still small voice challenging you to a higher way of living.

I love to be challenged by the Lord.  Those of you who know my preaching, know that I also love to pass that challenge along.  There are times when you have to wrestle some things out with God (Gen. 32:23-25) by yourself.  There are no quick answers and no sermons to listen to help you through it.  As I am reading this book, I am in one of those moments; wrestling, sweating it out, trying desperately to get my point across.  Just when I thought that I was winning, Jehovah Tricky (to steal a phrase from my good friend Jim Hill), did one of those MMA leg twists on me.  As I write this, I find myself laying on the mat, knowing that I am whipped, but still trying to find a way to honorably get up without losing face.  

As I wrestle with God's justice on the earth and what that cost is for myself and my family, pray for me.  I will let you know what I learn after I surrender.