Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I Saw The Other Day

One of my constant prayers has been that the Lord would allow me to see what He sees and to feel what He feels. I know that I cannot handle all of what He sees and feels, but I also know that He will not put more on me than I can stand. I pray this way so that I can stay sensitive to the needs of a lost and broken world. Since living in Cambodia, I must say that at times, it has been overwhelming to see the needs around me.

I was riding back on my motorcycle to the house that we were staying in last week when the Holy Spirit just gave me a small glimpse of what He sees every second of everyday. As I left Heritage House, I felt that small voice inside whispering for me to "open my eyes." This is what I saw on my five mile ride home:

  • A woman craddling an infant in her arms bowing down in front of two monks as they chanted "blessings" over her. I cannot imagine how desperate a mother must feel in this society. She was just wanting to know that things would be alright for her child in this life.
  • A girl on a bridge just staring off at nothing. Her face was etched with sorrow and hopelessness. Yesterday an 18 year old girl here hung herself beside Heritage House because she could not handle the sorrow any longer. Did she ever hear the Message?
  • A poor city. Poverty that most of us in the west cannot imagine. Boys playing in the open sewers, small thatch "houses" with multiple families living in them, and filthy children playing in the streets. I wish that I could put into words what the scene was like. I ached as I rode and thought that could my children.
  • A young child (possibly two) playing in the middle of the street as cars, motos and bicycles pass by on all sides.
  • A row of restaurants that serve as brothels. I saw teenage "beer girls" standing outside with the look of someone who has already given up on life on their face. At 16,17,18, these girls have lived lives harder than you or I will if we live to be 80 years old.

As I drove, I could sense the Holy Spirit speaking to me of the needs all around and that He wanted to meet each person individually. God does not see us as a mass of humanity, some nations rich and some poor. He sees individuals, men and women, boys and girls as we are - all created in His image, all broken from the sin in our own lives, all in need of a Savior.

I see these images, ones forever impressed upon my heart, and I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to give it all away so that others can know how much Jesus loves them. After these experiences, I usually make it home and all I can do is pray. Pray for God to use my family as His voice. Pray that we will not talk about being the hands and feet for Jesus, but that we will be His hands and feet.

That was my ride home. What was yours like? Did you ask the Holy Spirit to allow you to see the needs around you? Have you really listened to those that you work with? Have you talked to your neighbor in awhile. Please don't just invite them to Church. Be the Church for them. Let them see Jesus living in you. Cry when they cry, hurt when they hurt, rejoice when they rejoice, and let them know that Jesus loves them. He loves you, he loves me and he wants to use us to reach a world that is dying without knowing Him.

Pray for me and I will pray for you as we journey together on different parts of the earth.

Servant of a Passionate God
Lewis Burke - Romans 8:31


MrsWendy said...

Wow. I am speechless. Wow. Thank you for posting this Lewis.....

You all have our continual prayers.

Favorite One said...

You are so right - we are at times the only "church" or "light of Jesus" that others will see. I do pray for you & will continue to do so. Pray that even when I'm shopping at Walmart or the grocery store that others will see Christ in me. God bless you Lewis and your wonderful family.

Ross Jones said...

Just read this today...great blog Lewis! Keep writing!

Fred Alton said...

Don't know why - but I never read your blog before. I hope you have not abandoned it to go to facebook :D
Your blog is a blessing. Keep giving us your thoughts here. O.K.?